Authorities say 20-year-old woman who claimed she was shot by stranger was lying.
Authorities say a 20-year-old woman who claimed she had been shot by a stranger on Jan. 11 wasn’t being truthful.
The woman told Erath County Sheriff’s deputies that she was feeding her horses about 8 p.m. just off FM 2303 when a man approached her with a weapon.
She claimed to have been shot in the leg (with her own gun) during an ensuing struggle and that the man, described as a white male, disappeared into the night.
My sources told me a couple of weeks ago that investigators with the Erath County Sheriff’s Office and Texas Ranger BJ Hill weren’t buying her story and believed that she had made up the whole thing.
(There were apparently no signs of a struggle in the grass/dirt where she claimed the struggle happened and the direction that the bullet entered her leg wasn’t possible according to the story she gave investigators.)
I was also told that the woman was given several chances to come clean, but stuck to her story and even agreed to take a polygraph test, which was supposed to happen tomorrow.
But, as you might have guessed, the lie detector test has been abruptly canceled and now she isn’t answering her phone.
I’m assuming Sheriff Matt Coates might be mildly annoyed with the time and resources it took to conduct this investigation, which is why his office released a statement about the case today.
Coates would not comment on what, if any, charges the woman might face, but he is assuring the community that a madman is not on the run in Erath County.
“We have been unable to verify that there was ever any shooter running loose,” he said.