4 easy ways to get youthful skin at any age.
Updated: Oct 18, 2021

I recently shared a series of Instagram stories over this blog post, and readers loved it! I thought this would be a good one to share with all the Beneath the Surface News readers as well.
Over the years, I have tried numerous methods for skincare. I have also tried out so many products, researched the science behind them and tested them again.
I like to share the most simple, effective and science-based ways to achieve things. These are Chemistry Cachet’s tried and true methods for all skin types with incredible science to back it up!
Start on these four methods, and watch your skin transform.
Before I share these products with you, be sure to remember there are other products you can use and try, but these particular items below are an important base. If you use these products, it creates a foundation for youthful skin. Using these basic ingredients will also help other skincare work better.
Hyaluronic Acid
Everyone needs hyaluronic acid for their skin. It is one of the most popular ingredients in many anti-aging products.
Using hyaluronic acid every day will create very youthful skin. It plumps wrinkles, promotes collagen growth and smooths texture.
Get some hyaluronic acid serum and start using it every day. After cleansing the skin, apply hyaluronic acid. It is great for all skin types! There are few we recommend in our post.
You can also head to this post to read more about what hyaluronic acid does for your skin.
The most well-known, scientifically researched skincare ingredient is retinoids.
If you go to a dermatologist for aging or skin tone, this is the ingredient they suggest. It can be started at any age.
It is great as a preventative, but also great for correcting aging signs. You can read this post for all the popular questions and background on how retinoids work!
Silicone Patches
Our most popular skincare post on google is this one about using silicone patches.
You will see me using these all the time on Instagram.
I love this science because it is safe for everyone to use, you see incredible results overnight, and long-term use is even better.
You can wear them overnight, a few hours in the morning or whenever you have time.

The last skincare product we recommend for keeping skin youthful is sunscreen. If you use only one thing each day, make it sunscreen.
The sun is something that ages our skin quickly. If you notice people who are never in the sun, their skin seems younger. You can read this post all about how sunscreen is great for aging skin.
Are these the only products you need? These are the most important, foundational products! Start with these, and then you can read through more Chemistry Cachet articles to find out any additional, problem specific products you might need.
Take collagen regularly
We shared this post with you a few weeks ago, but collagen is another important key to youthful skin!
Eat a healthy diet
This is a broad topic, but there are many factors for your skin when it comes to diet. For instance, salmon is one of the most impactful foods for skin health.
Salmon contains eicosapentaenoic acid which can inhibit enzymes that beak down collagen. I also recommend going to the doctor and getting blood work done to make sure you aren’t deficient in anything.

Exercise for healthy skin
Exercise is the key to so many things, but did you know it is important for your skin health too? There is a connection between exercise and skin elasticity.
According to Webmd , increased blood flow helps nourish skin cells and keeps them vital. It can also decrease stress! For me personally, stress is something my entire body will suffer from.
Not only does it make the rheumatoid arthritis worse, but I notice a difference in my skin. Exercise is one of the best ways to combat stress!
What type of exercise? Almost everything that you enjoy! My favorites are Pilates and Barre because they are also great for joint health. I teach a Barre class in Stephenville every Friday at 9 a.m.
Feel free to contact me for more details on that!
Alexis Rochester is an investigative chemist, blogger and founder of Chemistry Cachet. She shares science-based skin care, cleaning, gardening and health tips. She was diagnosed with RA at age 10, so she has a passion for pain management tips and research, along with sharing her journey through this disease. When she’s not writing for Chemistry Cachet, she is taking Pilates or Barre classes, and also received her Barre teaching certification this year! She grew up in Stephenville and recently moved back with her daughter, husband and bulldog. You can find her posting pictures and fun stories daily on Instagram. Also look for Chemistry Cachet on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.